Each year, Seneca Academy offers its Parenting Series as a service to the community: a selection of free workshops for the general public given by the Head of School, child psychologist Dr. Michelle Parker.
Click on workshop titles to expand.
Monday, November 11, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. – Picking Your Battles and Setting Limits for Healthy Development
As parents, we are our children’s first teachers. How we establish expectations, set limits, and model problem solving will shape how they grow into resilient, independent, and principled individuals. In this workshop we will:
- Clarify a parenting “Mission Statement” that is developmentally appropriate
- Develop a framework for establishing a positive home environment/rapport with your child, clear expectations/boundaries, and natural consequences
- Develop a framework for problem-solving that helps you keep your cool, even when feeling out of control
- Set boundaries for the development of a healthy sense of self and self-regulation
Thursday, March 27, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. – Learning How to Parent from the Inside Out
Do you wonder why you react the way you do when parenting? Would you like to develop proactive strategies for raising compassionate children while improving your own resilience? Join Dr. Michelle Parker, child psychologist and head of school at Seneca Academy, as she guides you through a workshop designed to do just that! Discover:
- How your childhood experiences, emotions, and patterns shape how you parent your child
- How to build a strong foundation for parent/child relationships
- Ways to reflect on the past and present that will shape a better future for you and your child
**NOTE NEW DATE*** Thursday, May 1, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. – Parenting in the Digital Age
With so much information about all the technology out there, how do you make sense of it and decide what is right for your child? How do we help kids develop a healthy relationship with technology? How do we decide how much is too much? Find out:
- What level of exposure is healthy at each age
- How to set limits around technology