Seneca Academy’s mathematics goals and standards are based on the Singapore Math program. Through Seneca Academy’s mathematics curriculum, we expect students to develop a thorough understanding of concepts from numeral recognition to computation (solving equations). Emphasis is placed on students’ application of mathematical thinking to solve everyday problems utilizing hands-on activities and project-based learning. Students demonstrate their understanding of complex mathematical concepts as they communicate their processes in problem-solving through a variety of methods.
Specific areas of study include:
- Number sense including counting, understanding the use of numbers, whole numbers, integers, fractions, decimals, place value, scientific notation, and relations.
- Operations including number facts, arithmetic, reversibility, relationships, properties, estimation, number theory, algorithms, and using scientific calculators.
- Patterns, functions and sequences including rules, relationships, patterns, relations, and formula models using variables.
- Measures, measurement and reference frames including weight, temperature, time, calendars, timelines, linear measurement, angles, units of measurement, money, area, capacity, volume, density, and calories.
- Geometry and spatial sense including two and three-dimensional shapes and their relationships, notations, congruence, metric properties of plane figures, transformations of geometric figures.
- Data and chance including collecting, organizing and displaying data, tables, charts, and graphs, data comparison, and probability.
- Algebra and uses of variables including equivalent names, number models, parentheses, operations, order of operations, write and solve equations, and function models.